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Success Stories

Read a few stories from over 200 Crypto Academy alumni who now work in the bitcoin and crypto industry!

Pomp's Crypto Academy was an awesome experience that most certainly helped me land a job in the crypto industry.

While I have been an investor in the space since 2017 and came into the course with a pretty solid knowledge base, I still felt that I learned a lot, especially around blockchain technicals. Beyond the learning, hearing from Pomp and team was hugely motivational for me to dial in and commit to the arduous process of updating my resume and applying to jobs. It was totally worth it.

The stamp of approval having a crypto based certificate on my resume helped me stand out to recruiters, and the resume workshop made a massive difference in preparing my materials for recruiter eyes.

I have just accepted a role to work at Coinbase on their Partner Success team, and I could not be more excited about the opportunity.

Thank you to the whole Crypto Academy team, you helped change my life!

— Chase Mitchell

Partner Success Associate, Coinbase

I originally enrolled in Pomp's crypto course to start searching for a career in the digital currency sector and further develop my Bitcoin and crypto knowledge. I got so much more than just job search skills out of the course. Lessons taught got me to think about Bitcoin/crypto in a whole new light, and I felt I learned something new everyday in the course.

Pomp and all of the instructors were very encouraging and fun to learn from. The resources and community the course have developed were key factors in me getting the push I needed to dive head first into a career with a Bitcoin company. I can honestly say that without having gone through Pomp's Crypto Course, I would not be working for a Bitcoin/crypto company today.

If you're looking for a jump start to landing a career in the digital currency space, or just want to learn from and be a part of a wide ranging community of passionate, knowledgeable individuals, I would certainly suggest Pomp's Crypto Course.

— Nick Goulet

Compass Mining

If you are looking to get into Crypto professionally, it can be a daunting task. Where do you start? How do you prove yourself if you came from a completely different industry? How can you network? What do I qualify for? Going from a “normie” job to crypto is much easier said than done. This industry is so new, there really isn’t a roadmap that will take you where you need to go, especially for non-technical roles.

One day I asked myself, “How do I prove myself, my knowledge, and my desire to work in the industry?”
After a couple days of researching, I came across Pomps Crypto Course, and just like that I was accepted into Cohort 7. Let me tell you, this was worth every penny. I have met so many people in the industry, the coaches are so generous with their time and expertise, and we even got resume and application tips to help us get noticed by recruiters. We even got to interact with Pomp directly!

So here I am 1 month out of the course, and after some applications and further networking, I got hired by Celsius. I couldn’t be happier, I never thought working in crypto would be this satisfying. I would highly recommend this course. Even for someone brand new to crypto, this is the fast track to learning everything and anything you need to know. Attend every meeting possible, engage in the conversations, and you wont be disappointed.

— Cody Johnson

Customer Support Agent, Celsius

After seven years in traditional finance, I was burnt out. I was ready to get out from behind Excel and build something. Despite an increased appetite for risk, my training and intuition wouldn’t allow me to invest my most precious resource (my time) into something without doing full due diligence; I needed to treat my job search like making an investment complete with theses and risks. While crypto was something I owned and followed broadly, my knowledge was very casual and gaps in my understanding prohibited me from seriously considering a career pivot into the space.

I signed up for Pomp’s Crypto Academy on a whim and was immediately introduced to resources that helped me cut through the noise that is so prevalent in most industry coverage. The Academy helped me build conviction in the long-term prospects of crypto, gain comfort around the perceived risks, and ultimately build a framework from which to evaluate potential careers.

I am now the Director of Operations at US Bitcoin Corp, a mining company focused on securing the future of finance through the development and adoption of clean energy assets. I find myself in the middle of a high-growth industry at a company that aspires to change the world for the better. I feel reinvigorated in my career and could not be more excited for what the next chapter brings. I appreciate the part Pomp’s Crypto Academy played in helping me get over the hump to invest my career in the crypto movement.

— Sam Gage

Director of Operations, US Bitcoin Corp

Pomp’s Crypto Course gave me a community to learn more about crypto with. I was looking for a role in the industry and found the course helpful to meet companies hiring in the space.
The course introduced me to people interested in Bitcoin, DeFi, NFTs, and DAO’s. I recommend joining the course if you’d like to learn about bitcoin or crypto or find a role in the industry. It helped me find a role at Real Vision.

— Tim Coin


I enrolled in Pomp's Crypto Course to learn more about Bitcoin and to interact with Pomp and his group of excellent coaches. After nearly a decade in the legal department of a large traditional bank, I was also hopeful the course would reveal and potentially open some doors to a career where I could work more closely with crypto.

Pomp and the coaches are incredibly helpful, interesting, and interested in ensuring the course is useful for both experts and those new to crypto. Finally, the members of my cohort have been very supportive of each other as we learn more, share opinions, and find professional success. I am looking forward to getting started at Square and working on a product in Cash App that provides an opportunity for many people to start stacking sats!

— Dustin Adams


I joined the course because I wanted to transition my career specifically into a research/ compliance/ investigations job. The coaches were extremely helpful with interview guidance, resume help, and responded as fast as I posted a question. I made my intentions clear from the beginning which was the core of why I was able to succeed.

Pomp's course also holds an incredible amount of weight in the crypto ecosystem, as everyone I spoke to outside of the class whether it was an interview, a meetup, or a casual conversation was impressed that I had taken the initiative to make myself more educated in the space. In the nascent industry, there are few to slim certifications, majors, or career experience that can set you apart in the job market, especially for someone like myself who is not a techie, developer, or engineer. I am simply a New York City girl looking to get in on a hot industry and work hard. I start as a Compliance Associate at Gemini Trust, my first choice company at the end of the month.

— Alexis Tabak


From the very day I found bitcoin back in 2017 I knew I had to find a way to work in the industry. I had little to no industry knowledge and I did not have a single connection within the industry. I was like deer in the headlights hoping to find a job.

When I found Pomp’s Crypto Course I knew this was my way in. I met a tremendous amount of likeminded people that have now become my friends, both coaches and classmates. They helped me refine my bitcoin knowledge and pointed me in the right direction.

Since I began the course in May of 2021 I have started a podcast (Citizens of Blockchain), began educating others in Twitter Spaces, contribute weekly to the Slack channel the course provides, and most recently, gained employment with BTC Inc to build bitcoin conference. All of this in 3 months. Were it not for the course I would not be in the position I am today to be working a dream job of mine.

If you’re looking for proof-of-work to show employers, this is it.

— Allen Helm


I have been in crypto since 2017 and working full-time. Mid-Summer 2021, I decided to go all-in crypto. It was very difficult, and I was struggling to break-in because I wasn’t a developer, and my skillset was very broad! I decided to take a crypto course and found Pomp’s Crypto Academy what I needed.

It is cohort base and interactive. What I got out of it – knowledge review, resume building/branding, and a great network! The coaches are phenomenal. It is
crucial that you engage in all

— Hieu


Pomp's Course helped further my knowledge of blockchain as a technology, how Bitcoin is going to help shape our future and how the cryptoeconomy is evolving.

Pomp did a great job of allowing students to collaborate and interact in a completely virtual setting by breaking the class up into lectures, student breakout sessions and Q/A with Pomp himself. The course provided me a platform to interact with like minded individuals who were as intellectually curious as am I about crypto. Most importantly, the course helped me gain access to connections in the cryptoeconomy, which ultimately led to me receiving and accepting an offer at Coinbase.

— Matt Alviti


Pomp’s Crypto Course taught me the fundamentals of what is to change; from the legacy financial system to a digital financial network backed by integrity, validity and transparency in the economy. As a Global Operations Analyst at BlockFi, I am involved in all aspects of the business including interest accounts, U.S. dollar loans backed by your crypto collateral and it’s crypto exchange platform. The course not only helped me further my belief in the impact of DeFi and Bitcoin, but it provided me with a layer of confidence when price volatility strikes and FUD increases.

— Mauricio Mondragon


Pomp’s Class is a business school level finance & economics class tailored to people of all professional backgrounds and taught in a streamlined and more engaging learning environment. I signed up thinking that maybe I would just meet a few people interested in crypto... And to my surprise, the upside was huge! Pomp and his team really bring it.

Better yet, in my cohort I made friendships with a strong and collaborative group of people passionate about crypto. This class was the perfect fit to help me make this totally new transition from business into crypto. Pomp and his team of coaches genuinely care about helping you succeed. Beyond learning, I made a positive career advancement into the Bitcoin industry, and I have this class and PompCryptoJobs to thank for that. I cannot stress enough how valuable the hard skills I gained in this class were for me. You will leave this class thinking in Bitcoin!

— Ariel Sanchez


In taking Pomp's Crypto Course I wanted to expand my network of like minded individuals as I was thinking of making a career change. It helped me get connected with companies in the space that are hiring, gave great insight on how to navigate the crypto recruiting and application process and ultimately I was able to secure a position with Kraken. I had been offers from multiple companies but was able to wait for the right opportunity

— Ryan Johnston


I wanted to serve my employees better by understanding their perspectives in living and breathing crypto. As their HR, I want to be able to connect and advocate for my staff and I think closing the subject matter knowledge gap would help me better serve the crypto community in which I’m immersed.

Looking back, the awesome camaraderie that came along with taking the course would have been an appealing factor in making it all the more so desirable to pursue in the first place as well

— Talie Schwagger


I joined Pomp’s Crypto Course because I wanted to transition into the crypto space but was not sure I had all the knowledge that I might need. This course taught me about the history of bitcoin and how it works, the real-life use cases, and a future in a decentralized world. This course also allowed me to join a network of people who are helpful, open minded, and share the same passions for crypto.

This course made my transition into the crypto space possible, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is considering a similar move.

— Antony Mavetz


The learning, content, and networking opportunities at Pomp’s Crypto Academy are unmatched! I came into this program with a good amount of background knowledge. The material helped solidify my knowledge while also allowing me to learn more. It gave me so much confidence going into interviews, and EVERY company was impressed by it.

Not only did this course help me land my dream job, but it also provided a great community to connect with afterward. I’ve had countless meetings with fellow students and continue to network with the new people joining the course. The value gained before and after this course has been game-changing. I recommend this for anyone hoping to get into the crypto industry. BIG thank you to the whole team for making this happen.

— Carlos Rivas

Brand Partnerships, Blockworks

I joined the course because I wanted to transition my career specifically into a research/ compliance/ investigations job. The coaches were extremely helpful with interview guidance, resume help, and responded as fast as I posted a question. I made my intentions clear from the beginning which was the core of why I was able to succeed.

Pomp's course also holds an incredible amount of weight in the crypto ecosystem, as everyone I spoke to outside of the class whether it was an interview, a meetup, or a casual conversation was impressed that I had taken the initiative to make myself more educated in the space. In the nascent industry, there are few to slim certifications, majors, or career experience that can set you apart in the job market, especially for someone like myself who is not a techie, developer, or engineer. I am simply a New York City girl looking to get in on a hot industry and work hard. I start as a Compliance Associate at Gemini Trust, my first choice company at the end of the month.

— Alexis Tabak


Pomp’s course exceeded expectations. The structure, content, and community they’ve built and deliver is a tremendous asset to anyone searching for a place to learn and develop crypto/blockchain knowledge. The learning materials and course work is varied, the discussions are always engaging and include diverse perspectives, and the community element grows stronger with each cohort.

Prior to joining the program, I spent the better part of a decade in the ERP industry. Making any career change can be daunting, but the like minded folks and dedicated coaches within Pomp’s course were invaluable in helping to navigate the change.

If you are looking for a place to learn crypto/blockchain and build a global network of folks doing the same thing, Pomp’s course is the answer.

— Ken Daly


I very much enjoyed Pomps course. Although i was already familiar with BTC and Crytpo in general Pomp was able to give a deeper dive into a variety of crytpo related topics. I also believe he helped reshape some of my thinking towards crypto related topics such as ESG and Smart Contracts. The assignments were not too difficult but challenging enough where it really made focus in on my understanding of the industry.

I think the course really set me up for success when trying to break into the crypto industry. The main piece that I think really helped me land my current position was confidence. After taking the course and completing the assignments I felt confident enough to talk crytpo with anyone even people already in the industry. I believe that this was a major factor throughout my interviewing process.

— Zach Levin


Pomp's Crypto Course helped me land a job at BlockFi as their Director of Private Client. I've been on the road to crypto self discovery since 2017, but up until Pomp's Crypto Course, there wasn't a set of organized education that addressed the entire cryptosphere from soup to nuts. Sure, you could read all the whitepapers, but there is nothing like a classroom and cohort based learning environment to solidify the knowledge. One of the biggest benefits was the Career Day when some of the top crypto firms came and presented to the cohort class. It was almost like a reverse interview, where they were trying to win our business! Having direct access to the recruiters at firms such as BlockFi, Coinbase, etc. was priceless.

For anyone on the fence about the course, remember that it's not about the cost, but rather it's about the value you will get, and from my experience the value was immense.

— Jonathan Espinosa


In the world of money, the majority of people merely talk about what they will do in the future; very few people act on those convictions today. For anyone looking to take a formal step toward learning about the world of cryptocurrency, I'd highly recommend enrolling in Pomp's Crypto Academy. Stop saying you will tomorrow. Take action!

— Drew Rogers


Super grateful to Pomp's Crypto Course for helping me find my dream job in crypto. I've been looking for a job in the space for over a year now and the course introduced me to a wonderful set of companies through the virtual job fair. Colton, Pomp and all of the crew that have put this course together have done a tremendous job! I am forever in your debt and the course fee was well worth it!

— Michael Van De Velde


Michelle is a founder with a background in product and growth. She started and scaled an edtech business and was a member of Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia. Michelle was part of the beta cohort.

— Michelle Sun


Very thankful for this course as it contributed to a major career change for me. I was working in consulting for the past year for a few start-ups and some smaller-middle sized businesses, but truly had no interest in the projects I was working on. Taking this course truly unlocked an interest for something that I haven't felt in quite a while.

— Evan Sherriffs


I've been a writer with some amount of success for a little while now, but Pomps Crypto Course introduced me like-minded fanatics of the Crypto space that welcomed me, regardless of experience in the field, with open arms. The coaches encouraged me to continue creating valuable content, and the classmates rallied behind myself, and two others from the course as we launched the Citizens of Blockchain Podcast. Without the support of the class and coaches, I'd have been hard pressed to find the inspiration waiting for me I found here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a book to write.

— Shawn Amick


I recently quit my boring job in enterprise saas to go all-in doing not boring stuff on the internet after @packy called out members of the extended Pompliano universe in The Great Online Game. now i do product/growth at indexcoop, recruit & onboard creators to at seedclub, manage an army of axies & am generally up to my neck in DAOs across the DeFi & NFT spaces. I love it here.

— Crews Enochs


I thought I knew a lot about Bitcoin before Pomp's course. But the course covered it in such depth, it was amazing. They've got a great set of people for deep dives, the community is great, and every question is answered.

— Pareen Lathia


Pomp's Crypto Academy has been life changing for myself and the PiñaPay team. The amount of networking and resources available during and after the course is invaluable. If you are building a blockchain project you must sign up for Pomp's Crypto Academy to take advantage of the like-minded people you will be able to connect with. Taking this course will assist you with explaining bitcoin and blockchain to almost anyone with ease, even if they are skeptical! I'm looking forward to future events and meetups with Alumni from Pomp's Crypto Academy. The coaches are on point and eager to assist you with any questions or suggestions you may have. Don't miss this opportunity, sign up for Pomp's Crypto Academy today!

— Christopher Abate


I came into the training program not knowing a whole lot, with the goal of getting a much broader insight into the space. The course delivered in spades.  I have met several awesome women through this community who continue to inspire me on this journey.

Together with Stephanie (a fellow Pomp alumni) we decided to kick off a weekly “Womxn In Crypto” Substack newsletter focused primarily on helping womxn understand the complex world of blockchain, crypto and decentralized finance. The Academy inspired me and led me to make a career move into crypto, join a DAO community, and more.

— Maria Ortiz Spillane


I joined Pomp’s Crypto Course because I am passionate about crypto and wanted to transition my career specifically into that space. The lessons learned during workshops and independent study required to complete the assignments really increased my understanding of Bitcoin and DeFi. The community within my cohort and previous cohorts provided me with a strong network of likeminded individuals who are passionate about crypto.

Thank to Pomp’s Crypto Course and their robust list of guest speakers, I was able to network with a speaker and accepted a full time role with NFTY Labs. I highly recommend that anyone interested in crypto or a career change to apply for this course! The lessons, coaching, and community make it worth every sat!
Together with Stephanie (a fellow Pomp alumni) we decided to kick off a weekly “Womxn In Crypto” Substack newsletter focused primarily on helping womxn understand the complex world of blockchain, crypto and decentralized finance. The Academy inspired me and led me to make a career move into crypto, join a DAO community, and more.

— Brett Burns


Pomp’s Crypto Academy was the missing piece to taking control of my career.

While the program is an excellent learning tool for all levels of bitcoin and crypto knowledge, I came into this course with the sole purpose of leveraging it into being a career starter. Crypto is a difficult industry to break into, especially being non-technical like myself. This course not only grew my knowledge base significantly; but it put me directly in front of company recruiters and expanded my network of passionate bitcoiners and shadowy super coders.

The ongoing access to this growing network cannot be understated. I owe Pomp, the coaches, and this network especially for starting a career at Celsius. Transitioning into an industry that I’m passionate about has made me happier in my day-to-day life and a better role model to my daughter.

— Rich Calak


I enrolled in the training program because I was curious. I worked at a traditional bank. Some of my co-workers dismissed bitcoin, while others thought it might be the future. I wanted to learn for myself. Well, I did that and a whole lot more. Beyond the course work, debates and learning activities, my biggest takeaway was joining a vibrant community. This simply can't be replicated by watching YouTube videos.

We set up informal Zoom happy hours, met up at bitcoin conferences, exchanged ideas and supported each other's job search. Today, I am the Director of Business Operations (Crypto) at Cross River. We are building a suite of solutions to help onboard the next 1 billion people to crypto. I'm still in touch with alums from the program. Join us!

— Afo Ogunnaike


I originally joined Pomp’s crypto course to learn about Bitcoin and its potential to positively impact our economy. While I certainly learned about that, I was pleasantly surprised to have learned even more such as crypto’s impact in general, proof-of-work versus proof-of-stake, and even how to explain crypto to audiences of varying technical backgrounds, all through collaborative hands-on projects. If that wasn’t good enough, I’ve even made lifelong connections with many talented people as well.

Ultimately, Pomp’s course inspired me to contribute to the crypto economy full-time: I’m happy to say that I’ll be joining Coinbase as a software engineer where I’ll be building Custody, a product that allows institutions to securely store their crypto assets. I can’t wait to get started, and I’m forever grateful to Pomp and his team for designing this course. Thank you.

— Aaron Iglesias


 Ryan Johnston

In joining Pomp's Crypto Academy training program, I wanted to expand my network of like-minded individuals as I was thinking of making a career change. It helped me get connected with companies in the space that are hiring, gave great insight on how to navigate the crypto recruiting and application process and ultimately I was able to secure a position with Kraken. I received offers from multiple companies but was able to wait for the right opportunity.

 Ryan Johnston
Ryan Johnston
Software Engineer
Aaron Iglesias

I originally joined Pomp’s "Fundamentals of Bitcoin & Crypto" training program to learn about Bitcoin and its potential to positively impact our economy. While I certainly learned about that, I was pleasantly surprised to have learned even more such as crypto’s impact in general, proof-of-work versus proof-of-stake, and even how to explain crypto to audiences of varying technical backgrounds, all through collaborative hands-on projects. If that wasn’t good enough, I’ve even made lifelong connections with many talented people as well.

Ultimately, Pomp’s program inspired me to contribute to the crypto economy full-time: I’m happy to say that I’ll be joining Coinbase as a software engineer where I’ll be building Custody, a product that allows institutions to securely store their crypto assets. I can’t wait to get started, and I’m forever grateful to Pomp and his team for designing this training program. Thank you.

Aaron Iglesias
Aaron Iglesias
Director Of Business Operations
Afo Ogunnaike

I enrolled in the training program because I was curious. I worked at a traditional bank. Some of my co-workers dismissed bitcoin, while others thought it might be the future. I wanted to learn for myself. Well, I did that and a whole lot more. Beyond the course work, debates and learning activities, my biggest takeaway was joining a vibrant community. This simply can't be replicated by watching YouTube videos.

We set up informal Zoom happy hours, met up at bitcoin conferences, exchanged ideas and supported each other's job search. Today, I am the Director of Business Operations (Crypto) at Cross River. We are building a suite of solutions to help onboard the next 1 billion people to crypto. I'm still in touch with alums from the program. Join us!

Afo Ogunnaike
Afo Ogunnaike
Compliance Associate
Alexis Tabak

I joined this training program because I wanted to transition my career specifically into a research/ compliance/ investigations job. The coaches were extremely helpful with interview guidance, resume help, and responded right away whenever I posted a question. I made my intentions clear from the beginning, which was the core of why I was able to succeed.

Pomp's training program also holds an incredible amount of weight in the crypto ecosystem, as everyone I spoke to outside of the program, whether it was an interview, a meetup, or a casual conversation was impressed that I had taken the initiative to make myself more educated in the space. In the nascent industry, there are few to slim certifications, majors, or career experience that can set you apart in the job market, especially for someone like myself who is not a techie, developer, or engineer. I am simply a New York City girl looking to get in on a hot industry and work hard. I started as a Compliance Associate at Gemini Trust, my first choice company, this month.

Alexis Tabak
Alexis Tabak
Account Manager
Allen Helm

From the very day I found bitcoin back in 2017 I knew I had to find a way to work in the industry. I had little to no industry knowledge and I did not have a single connection within the industry. I was like deer in the headlights hoping to find a job.

When I found Pomp’s Crypto Academy training program, I knew this was my way in. I met a tremendous amount of likeminded people that have now become my friends – both coaches and classmates. They helped me refine my bitcoin knowledge and pointed me in the right direction.

Since I took part in the program in May of 2021, I have started a podcast (Citizens of Blockchain), began educating others in Twitter Spaces, contribute weekly to the Slack channel the program provides, and most recently, gained employment with BTC Inc to build bitcoin conference. All of this in 3 months. Were it not for the training program, I would not be in the position I am today to be working a dream job of mine.

If you’re looking for proof-of-work to show employers, this is it.

Allen Helm
Allen Helm
VP of Sales
Andy Keelaghan

Having worked in ad tech for the last 8 years (without much movement on the technology side of things), I was intrigued to hear how quickly the blockchain and web3 worlds tech and communities were building. I started going down the never-ending rabbit holes on Twitter and following various accounts for my daily updates when a friend recommended Pomp's podcast and then the training program.

The training program was well organized from the offset, the materials and program design were well structured , and the team are all extremely smart and fun people. The other attendees were also all really nice and extremely helpful, knowledgeable, and generous with their time. A trait I’ve continued to see since in the industry and why I love the web3 world so much.  I also had some great advice on the careers guidance side of things (thanks, Claire!) and found myself a job with CryptoPR in London as the VP of Sales. Again, a bunch of very cool, fun, and smart people and I’m loving the journey.

I wouldn’t be doing sales if I didn’t say check us out if you work in web3 and you’re looking to do great things and raise your brands/DAO’s/NFT’s/token’s profile. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn! WAGMI x

Andy Keelaghan
Andy Keelaghan
Head of Community
Ben Klein

I fell down the bitcoin/crypto rabbit hole in the run-up at the end of 2020, and after a year of frantically learning everything I could learn I realized I couldn’t sit on the sidelines anymore - I simply had to get into the space. The path to do that, I’m happy to say, was Pomp’s Crypto Academy.

I owe my current job entirely to the training program. I discovered the open position through their Slack channel. Then, thanks to workshops I was able to polish my resume, narrow down my application strategy, and work on my interview skills. Thanks to the delightful community I was able to soldier onward during the job hunt with a good attitude and lots of supportive friends. Thanks to the help of the coaches and the valuable information I gained during their sessions, I was able to secure an offer one week after completing Pomp’s Crypto Academy training program. This program works!! Thanks Pomp!

Ben Klein
Ben Klein
People Operations
Brandon Hernandez

When I was deciding whether to sign up for Pomp’s Crypto Academy, I had my reservations at first about how translatable it would be to finding a job in the industry. After talking with some people and hearing their success with the training program, I jumped in on the next cohort.

I was in graduate school pursuing my doctorate degree at the time of signing up and I had a massive revelation that my passion did not lie in healthcare anymore, but rather driving the cryptocurrency sector forward. The entire staff was nothing short of incredible and the information they deliver is top tier.

One thing I truly appreciated is how they have a Career Day with all of the top companies in the industry. I also took full advantage of their resume building workshops that showed me how I could leverage my military and healthcare background to break into crypto full-time. I am happy to announce that I have accepted an offer at Circle within their customer experience team. For anyone that has reservations about signing up, I hope this message puts them to rest.

Brandon Hernandez
Brandon Hernandez
Brand Partnerships
Carlos Rivas

The learning, content, and networking opportunities at Pomp’s Crypto Academy are unmatched! I came into this program with a good amount of background knowledge. The material helped solidify my knowledge while also allowing me to learn more. It gave me so much confidence going into interviews, and EVERY company was impressed by it.

Not only did this program help me land my dream job, but it also provided a great community to connect with afterward. I’ve had countless meetings with fellow students and continue to network with the new people joining the program. The value gained before and after this program has been game-changing. I recommend this for anyone hoping to get into the crypto industry. BIG thank you to the whole team for making this happen.

Carlos Rivas
Carlos Rivas
Partner Success Associate
Chase Mitchell

Pomp's Crypto Academy was an awesome experience that most certainly helped me land a job in the crypto industry.

While I have been an investor in the space since 2017 and came into the program with a pretty solid knowledge base, I still felt that I learned a lot, especially around blockchain technicals. Beyond the learning, hearing from Pomp and team was hugely motivational for me to dial in and commit to the arduous process of updating my resume and applying to jobs. It was totally worth it.

The stamp of approval having a crypto-based certificate on my resume helped me stand out to recruiters, and the resume workshop made a massive difference in preparing my materials for recruiter eyes.

I have just accepted a role to work at Coinbase on their Partner Success team, and I could not be more excited about the opportunity.

Thank you to the whole Crypto Academy team, you helped change my life!

Chase Mitchell
Chase Mitchell
Account Executive
Drew Rogers

In the world of money, the majority of people merely talk about what they will do in the future; very few people act on those convictions today. For anyone looking to take a formal step toward learning about the world of cryptocurrency, I'd highly recommend enrolling in Pomp's Crypto Academy. Stop saying you will tomorrow. Take action!

Drew Rogers
Drew Rogers
Data Analyst
James Lai

I come from a background working in natural resources, and a job in fintech/tech/bitcoin seemed like a pipe dream. I initially participated in Pomp's Crypto Academy to expand my knowledge about a topic that interested me. I never actually thought that I would delve so deep that it would shift my career.

The changes in my career and life in the last year can be directly attributed to Pomp’s Crypto Academy and the amazing coaches that are involved in the program. It was a great conversation starter in the interview process for my current position. This training program gave me the confidence to pursue Bitcoin as a career despite not having any prior experience in tech or a technical background.

This training program is definitely a case where you get out of it what you put in. If you want to work in the industry, then it will provide you the tools you need to find that new job. If you want to increase your knowledge, then this is an information packed ride of a life time. Beyond the program, the community that comes with it has been incredibly supportive, helpful, and curious. This program has absolutely changed my life, and I cannot thank them enough.

James Lai
James Lai
Jim Brendlinger

The training program was much more than I had anticipated. The community is amazing and is a multiplier for this new technological singularity that I know is needed in our world today. I've made a lot of great friends and am impressed too how attending has invigorated an entrepreneurial spirit in everyone, making everyone better communicators and advocates of their own brand. The amount of fun activities, discussions, the attention and effort all the instructors put into the program are very apparent. This is how all learning really should be done, the status quo is over. You get access to aggregated resources, and the more you apply yourself like anything the more you get out of it. I can easily say I got so much out of this, and I got the confidence to put myself out there more, and it instilled in me even more focus and hope for the future.

Jim Brendlinger
Jim Brendlinger
Bitcoin Miner
Jim Shewchuk

I finally took the leap and enrolled in Pomp’s Crypto Academy in January 2022 because, just like the saying goes “we are still early,” which resonates in the job market ten fold. Therefore, I still had absolutely zero connections with anyone working at a bitcoin company.

I had worked in the mortgage industry prior to going down the bitcoin rabbit hole and I had come to a point where if I was going to go back to working for someone else, it would only be for a bitcoin company, for something I was passionate about. I am not a computer wiz by any means so computing skills alone wouldn’t be enough. Building a network first was what I needed. This is where Pomp’s Crypto Academy seemed like the best option and it did not disappoint. The network available to everyone during and after taking part in this program is unmatched.  Quickly after course completion I landed a job with a US based bitcoin mining company and could not be happier.

If you are in the same place as I was prior to participating in this program, do not hesitate. Even if you feel you are well versed in bitcoin, economics, or any of the many scams, I’m sorry I mean altcoins and NFTs, I promise you, the networking and job opportunities that will become available to you will be worth every penny. I’d trade my college degree and student loans for this program in a heartbeat.

Jim Shewchuk
Jim Shewchuk
Web3 Content Partnerships
Jon Ransegnola

I couldn't speak more highly of Pomp's Crypto Academy.  Prior to the participating, I had watched enough YouTube videos to have a decent understanding of bitcoin/crypto, but I never had a great place to ask questions and discuss ideas.  All of that changed with the training program.  The coaches are incredibly knowledgable and won't let you off the sessions until you have a complete understanding of a topic.  On top of that, the community is top notch and a huge asset.  I've never been a part of a community that is so supportive and eager to help.  I can say with 100% certainty that I've made lifelong friends from Pomp's Crypto Academy.

Jon Ransegnola
Jon Ransegnola
Join the Crypto Academy
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VP, Brand Marketing
Maria-Teresa Ortiz Spillane

I came into the training program not knowing a whole lot, with the goal of getting a much broader insight into the space. The program delivered in spades.  I have met several awesome women through this community who continue to inspire me on this journey.

Together with Stephanie (a fellow Pomp alumni) we decided to kick off a weekly “Womxn In Crypto” Substack newsletter focused primarily on helping womxn understand the complex world of blockchain, crypto and decentralized finance. The Academy inspired me and led me to make a career move into crypto, join a DAO community, and more.

Maria-Teresa Ortiz Spillane
Maria-Teresa Ortiz Spillane
Custody Analyst
Matt Alviti

Pomp's Crypto Academy training program helped further my knowledge of blockchain as a technology, how Bitcoin is going to help shape our future and how the cryptoeconomy is evolving.

Pomp did a great job of allowing students to collaborate and interact in a completely virtual setting by breaking the class up into lectures, student breakout sessions and Q/A with Pomp himself. The program provided me a platform to interact with like minded individuals who were as intellectually curious as am I about crypto. Most importantly, the program helped me gain access to connections in the cryptoeconomy, which ultimately led to me receiving and accepting an offer at Coinbase.

Matt Alviti
Matt Alviti
Brand Partnerships
Max Widmer

I owe a great deal to Pomp and the coaches in cohort 10 for quite literally altering the course of my career. Pomp’s Crypto Academy gave me the courage and conviction to leave a cushy “web2” job and dive head first into crypto. And that’s exactly what I did shortly after completing my six weeks. This training program is about so much more than “Bitcoin.” It’s about developing a deeper and more critical understanding of our legacy economic systems and the way our society functions. Regardless of where you stand on crypto, no matter how bullish or bearish you are long term, you’ll leave Pomp’s Crypto Academy with a greater capacity to think for yourself. And that's been priceless for me.

Max Widmer
Max Widmer
Digital Asset Portfolio Manager
Michael Van De Velde

Super grateful to Pomp's Crypto Academy training program for helping me find my dream job in crypto. I've been looking for a job in the space for over a year now and the program introduced me to a wonderful set of companies through the virtual job fair. Colton, Pomp and all of the crew that have put this program together have done a tremendous job! I am forever in your debt and the training program fee was well worth it!

Michael Van De Velde
Michael Van De Velde
Paul Morris

I have been a fan of The Pomp Podcast for a long time and after listening to episode #598 about Pomp’s Crypto Academy, I signed up immediately and it exceeded all expectations.

Pomp and his team of coaches are amazing and run high-quality workshops. You need to work hard as it's a fast-moving and intensive three-week journey.

The real value is continued access to the engaged community in the program’s Slack group. This support network of global alumni will help you keep learning and give you the confidence to transition to a new career in the industry.

I responded to a bitcoin mining opportunity that was an ideal fit and three months later we started a new company with several alumni from Pomp’s Crypto Academy.

Paul Morris
Paul Morris
Partnership Manager
Rizwan Pabani

I decided to transition from over a decade in Financial Services to the Blockchain space. Pomp's Crypto Academy was pivotal in helping me achieve that because it provided a good learning structure, resources to read around topics, and deep dive sessions for my favourite technical topics. The program was always a positive talking point in the many interviews I did.

I would argue it's worth joining the Academy purely for access to the Slack channel where you can connect with likeminded people from all over the world to discuss investments, news, memes, education and career strategies. Furthermore, once you are in, you are always invited to the monthly Career Day where crypto companies, which are actively hiring, come and talk about what they do and what they are looking for in candidates.

I was fortunate enough to secure a dream position at one of the world's largest Blockchain companies in 2022.

Rizwan Pabani
Rizwan Pabani
Marketing Director
Robyn Pineault

After being laid off from my previous role in February 2022, I had been thinking about making a career change in the crypto industry. I had only started learning more about cryptocurrency a year prior. After being a faithful Pomp podcast listener, I decided to enroll in Cohort 11 at the end of February / beginning of March to expand my self-taught knowledge around all things crypto. I learned the basics, how to think from a first-principles standpoint and was given an amazing amount of resources that I’m still working through to this day.

The community of cohort members is unbelievably supportive and we continue to meet regularly on a weekly basis to discuss what’s happening in the market, cheerlead others on as they job search, and just chat. The network of like-minded individuals who continue to support my learning to this day is just as valuable as the 3 week-intensive program.

Pomp’s Crypto Academy facilitated many company connections in the industry including the opportunity to meet Serotonin’s recruiter at a career day where I was successful in impressing them enough to land a key role as a Marketing Director.

Robyn Pineault
Robyn Pineault
Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
Ron Ballesteros

I enrolled in Pomp's training program to gain a deeper understanding of Bitcoin and the crypto industry.  I didn't know what to expect but was very glad to have participated in the program as it is structured well.  Pomp and the awesome coaches guide you through learning about the history of Bitcoin, how it works, and why it is so important as we move towards a more decentralized world.  Also, if you're into other crypto trends such as ALT coins, NFTs, web3, etc, this program has it all.

You will learn, laugh, challenge yourself, network and make connections, and best of all, be part of a private crypto group that is growing with each added cohort.

This has also inspired me to create a personal finance blogging website and to contribute to the mission of "fix the money, fix the world".  Happy to say,  I was able to land a role with Strike as a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) to help build and manage their infrastructure that runs Strike's high-scale, neo-payment network.

What are you waiting for?!? LFG!!!

Ron Ballesteros
Ron Ballesteros
Director of Operations
Sam Gage

After seven years in traditional finance, I was burnt out. I was ready to get out from behind Excel and build something. Despite an increased appetite for risk, my training and intuition wouldn’t allow me to invest my most precious resource (my time) into something without doing full due diligence; I needed to treat my job search like making an investment, complete with theses and risks. While crypto was something I owned and followed broadly, my knowledge was very casual and gaps in my understanding prohibited me from seriously considering a career pivot into the space.

I signed up for Pomp’s Crypto Academy on a whim and was immediately introduced to resources that helped me cut through the noise that is so prevalent in most industry coverage. The Academy helped me build conviction in the long-term prospects of crypto, gain comfort around the perceived risks, and ultimately build a framework from which to evaluate potential careers.

I am now the Director of Operations at US Bitcoin Corp, a mining company focused on securing the future of finance through the development and adoption of clean energy assets. I find myself in the middle of a high-growth industry at a company that aspires to change the world for the better. I feel reinvigorated in my career and could not be more excited for what the next chapter brings. I appreciate the part Pomp’s Crypto Academy played in helping me get over the hump to invest my career in the crypto movement.

Sam Gage
Sam Gage
Shane Vogt

Pomp’s Crypto Academy was specifically created to help people like you and me transition to a career in Web3 and just weeks after completing the course I accepted a full-time role at Messari! Worth it? I think so!

I applied for the program because I had developed an excitement for crypto over the past couple of years and wanted to get a more structured education in Web3. Little did I know my entire life was going to change for the next three weeks.

Of course, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with Pomp himself, but you’ll also have access to a zillion other classes taught by amazing coaches ranging from building your own Bitcoin node to crafting a resume specifically for Web3 companies.

I highly recommend anyone interested in crypto or looking for a career change to apply for this program. You’ll come away feeling connected to a community of likeminded crypto enthusiasts and you might even have a new job like me!

Shane Vogt
Shane Vogt
Contributing Writer
Shawn Amick

I've been a writer with some amount of success for a little while now, but Pomp's Crypto Academy training program introduced me to like-minded fanatics of the crypto space that welcomed me, regardless of experience in the field, with open arms. The coaches encouraged me to continue creating valuable content, and my cohort-mates rallied behind myself, and two others from the course as we launched the Citizens of Blockchain Podcast. Without the support of the program and coaches, I'd have been hard pressed to find the inspiration waiting for me I found here. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a book to write.

Shawn Amick
Shawn Amick
Product Marketing Manager
Shreyas Gavit, MBA

Pomp's Crypto Academy is a resource that helps you fly when others are learning how to walk.

I started my crypto journey in early 2021 but I felt alone in this wild west until I found the community that hypes you up and teaches you the fundamentals. It helps you in every way and does not freaking rest until you've made it into a new role.

This is exactly how I got my job at Okcoin as a Product Marketing Manager. I shared all my wins in getting interviews and my losses in getting rejected at most of them with the community and coaches. They helped me fine-tune my skills and connect me with the right people at every opportunity I was pursuing.

I recommend this program to anyone who is serious about getting a job in crypto. Because let me tell you, now that I have a job in the space, I wake up every single day super pumped up to go to work.

Thank you to all the coaches and the squad I found in the Academy that has, and will always have my back! 

Shreyas Gavit, MBA
Shreyas Gavit, MBA
VP of People & HR
Talie Schwagger

I wanted to serve my employees better by understanding their perspectives in living and breathing crypto. As their HR, I want to be able to connect and advocate for my staff and I think closing the subject matter knowledge gap would help me better serve the crypto community in which I’m immersed.

Looking back, the awesome camaraderie that came along with being a part of this program would have been an appealing factor in making it all the more so desirable to pursue in the first place as well.

Talie Schwagger
Talie Schwagger
Customer Success Manager
Taylor Van Neste

I have worked at multiple large banks and was ready to leave my job and work in the world of crypto. I have spent hundreds of hours researching Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but I did not know the steps it would take to work in this nascent industry. While attending the cohort, I had the opportunity to speak to Pomp, meet with coaches, and network with like-minded peers.  

Today I am a Customer Success Manager at Coin Metrics. Coin Metrics organizes the world's crypto data and makes it transparent and accessible. This is my dream job, and I appreciate the Cohort's support to help me get here. I'm officially a Banker turned Bitcoiner!    

Taylor Van Neste
Taylor Van Neste
Senior Recruitment Manager
Tim Coil

Pomp’s Crypto Academy training program gave me a community to learn more about crypto with. I was looking for a role in the industry and found the program helpful to meet companies hiring in the space.

The training program introduced me to people interested in Bitcoin, DeFi, NFTs, and DAO’s. I recommend joining the program if you’d like to learn about bitcoin or crypto or find a role in the industry. It helped me find a role at Real Vision.

Tim Coil
Tim Coil
Community Manager
Trung Hieu Dam

I have been in crypto since 2017 and working full-time. Mid-Summer 2021, I decided to go all-in crypto. It was very difficult, and I was struggling to break-in because I wasn’t a developer, and my skillset was very broad! I decided to level up my education and found Pomp’s Crypto Academy what I needed.

It is cohort base and interactive. What I got out of it – knowledge review, resume building/branding, and a great network! The coaches are phenomenal. It is crucial that you engage in all discussions!

Trung Hieu Dam
Trung Hieu Dam
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